Monday, November 16, 2015

Add GUI to Hortonworks Sandbox

If you are not familiar with Linux, the minimal install that comes with the Hortonworks Sandbox can prove difficult.  Fortunately, several bloggers have posted details on how to add a user interface to the Hortonworks Sandbox - and for that matter, any other CentOS minimal install that you may end up using.

Once you have made the changes, Hortonworks will display lots of logins, and none of them will seem to work - try admin with the default admin password. Does not work. Go to the bottom of the list, and log in as root.  Then create a new user from the menu  SYSTEM | ADMINISTRATION | USERS AND GROUPS.  I also had to setup a network connection.

You can find the details here:


Hegistvan said...


I know it's a fairly old post / question but google keeps bringing this up as the #1 search in this topic. I've managed to find a workaround for the GUI issue in HDP 2.6.5+, and I've also created a step-by-step guide to do so. It's available at


Andrew Peterson said...

Thanks for the link, hope it helps others!