Tuesday, October 13, 2015

PolyBase and Views

PolyBase and Views

Views can be created against PolyBase external tables, using T-SQL. Unfortunately, an indexed view is not supported. Once you include the option "with SCHEMABINDING"  in your Create View, you  get an error:

         Msg 46518, Level 16, State 9, Procedure PolyBaseTableView, Line 115
         The option 'SCHEMABINDING' is not supported with external tables.

I expect there will be situations where being able to create an indexed view against an external PolyBase table would be ideal. Conversely, the potential size of datasets loaded into Hadoop or Azure could be so large, that the process of creating a local index on such a large dataset could exceed the capacity of the database server.  Still, I wish we had the option - and let the DBA make the determination.

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